Quote of the Week

I feel the need, the need for speed!!!!

-Maverick, the movie "Top Gun"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dude, Im a slacker

I have not posted ANYTHING in 17 days, I fail at life. Only one positive thing about it though, NEW RECORD of 17 days between posts. In a way that makes me smile. Well, school has been really busy since then and I have had three tests that I took. Well, I haven't watched any football yet today cuz I wanna get my studying in early so that I can watch the Georgia vs Bama game and the Penn State vs Illinois game tonight. Wow, Im actually being good for once. SHHH, don't tell anyone lol. In other news, it poured buckets the other night, giving us some much needed rain. The only problem is that its 80 degrees outside today and that makes it so humid you can chew it. Looks like I may like studying inside today even more now. My lady went to Sani Belle Island for her make a wish trip and she returns back today with 50 pounds worth of sea shells (well not really but its probably pretty close). I will try to go camping in Shenandoa for Columbus Day weekend and make huge bonfires in the woods. In a side note, St. Brendan of Ireland was the first to discover America around 650 AD. Thats even before Leaf Erricksson, the Viking explorer dude. Television highlights include Fringe and Supernatural, they are freakin awesome. SPOILER ALERT: Dean gets brought out of hell by an angel to try and stop Lilith again. Um, the job search isn't going well so far, as Ihaven'y had any responses from the applications that I put in. So, lol, the save poor college students foundation will be accepting donations while the job searches continue. Man, I crack myself up sometimes. Well, I might post again later on tonight, it depends on if I remember to or not.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wow two posts in less than a week

I cant believe that I have posted again so soon. I think that I should get a medal lol. Anyway, in local news there was a building collapse of an extremely large unfinished building near the intersection of Route 10 and Route 1. The regional rescue task force made up from squads from several counties are on site to handle the rescue effort. According to the 6pm news (it is 7:22pm on Sept. 10th 2008) that the next 32 to 48 hours is going to be focused on rescue efforts only. At this point they are only worried about people and after the 32 to 48 hours are up then all effort will concentrate on how, why, AND ALL THAT JAZZ. At this point, only one person is reported killed but details about the person havent been released. In later posts I will give further updates as I watch the local news. Chemistry is going ok. I have chem lab tomorrow and I will give the details of teh lab tomorrow. Per bookwormom's request, significant figures (in chemistry) is basically rounding numbers up or down really complicated. Complicated enough to where even the mathly gifted people like myself find it annoying. In history, on friday we will finally start to talk about jamestown. Nutrition is going well and I find all of this stuff to be interesting. Too bad my love of mac and cheese has already poisoned my brain HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Um, what else do I want to talk about? Oh yea, the new season of supernatural starts next thursday at 9pm and is at that same bat time and channel untill the season ends. I cant wait. So, thus ands another wonderful young post, cut short in its prime by a short attention span. Till next time, good night and good luck (mom and dad should know where that last line comes from).

Sunday, September 7, 2008


You are under a tropical storm warning for Hanna. The eye will be moving over your county during its trip up the Mid Atlantic coast. Please seek appropriate shelter. This storm will be dangerous my rear end. What I did get (when I was awake) was nothing that the occasional thunder storm could not deliver. Sadly, all of the good stuff came while I was asleep. Now, why couldn't I have gotten a tree throwing, house tearing, we aren't in Kansas anymore storm? I mean, sure the destruction and loss of life and limb isn't good. BUT ITS SURE AS HELL COOL TO WATCH lol. Oh well, I will just have to wait for the next storm cuz hurricane season ain't over yet boys, yeeeha!!!!! Lmao, I do crack myself up sometimes. I guess that its time to talk about school some. I mean its not like I titled this blog Tales of a College Student, wait..... So I had my second chemistry quiz on Friday and I'm sure that I got a 90%. I accidentally put O2 (negative 2 charge), which is peroxide, as the answer for "what is the formula for oxalate?" Oh, by the way the answer was actually C2O4 just in case anybody was wondering. My history class is going really well (American History to 1865), partly due to the fact that my teacher is awesome. Normal Nutrition is REALLY interesting. Apparently, on the my food pyramid government website thingy, if you register and put in what you eat, it will tell me exactly how fat I am and how much mac and cheese I shouldnt have eaten lol. I can tell you right now that I wont be changing anything even though eventually this will prolly be a required assignment. I think that the assignment should be named HOW FAT ARE YOU REALLY? Lol, I know that I am not fat, I hope..... All of my other classes are fine. Chem lab isnt really that hard, except that my teacher wants us to always use significant figures. COMPLETELY ANNOYING!!!!!!! Anyway, either tonight or tomorrow I will post my College Football Special on the Florida vs U.Miami game. Now, come back yall ya hear? rotflmao....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

College Football Special

On Monday night, I watched the UCLA vs. Tenn. game on ESPN. The first half of the game was completely dominated by the Vols (Tenn. to all non sports people). Note, the first and second string quarterbacks for the Bruins (UCLA) are both injured, so they are down to their third string quarterback Kevin Craft. In the first half of the game alone, he threw FOUR interceptions. Not to mention all of his bad pass decisions and the fact that almost all of his passes were underthrown. Starting in the second half, Mr. Craft was the complete opposite. You would have to have watched the whole game to understand this, but I will try my best. He would throw 25 passes total and complete 18, one of which was a touchdown pass. The scoring drive would be 6 for 6 completed throws with the touchdown. Now, UCLA would score a touchdown with 44 seconds on the clock in the fourth quarter. Score is Tenn. 21 UCLA 24. Can the Vols tie the game with a field goal? After all, their kicker has a range of up to 48 yards and in this game has missed 3 field goal attempts (all were over 50 yard attempts though). AND HE MAKES THE FIELD GOAL FROM 47 YARDS, WE ARE GOING INTO OVERTIME. Coin toss, Vols win and decide to defend first. First two pass attempts by Craft fail, along with a two yard running play. Field goal attempt, AND ITS GOOD. Now, on the Vols first drive they get the first down a bit too easily in my opinion. Second 1st down drive and they can only get 7 yards in three plays, so its time for a field goal from 38 yards to send this game to a 2nd overtime. From 38 yards out, the Vols miss the attempt AND THE UCLA BRUINS HAVE BEATEN TENN. IN OVERTIME!!!!!!!! Tune in later on this week for more College Football Specials and maybe some NFL reports (if I can remember lol).