Quote of the Week

I feel the need, the need for speed!!!!

-Maverick, the movie "Top Gun"

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dude, Im a slacker

I have not posted ANYTHING in 17 days, I fail at life. Only one positive thing about it though, NEW RECORD of 17 days between posts. In a way that makes me smile. Well, school has been really busy since then and I have had three tests that I took. Well, I haven't watched any football yet today cuz I wanna get my studying in early so that I can watch the Georgia vs Bama game and the Penn State vs Illinois game tonight. Wow, Im actually being good for once. SHHH, don't tell anyone lol. In other news, it poured buckets the other night, giving us some much needed rain. The only problem is that its 80 degrees outside today and that makes it so humid you can chew it. Looks like I may like studying inside today even more now. My lady went to Sani Belle Island for her make a wish trip and she returns back today with 50 pounds worth of sea shells (well not really but its probably pretty close). I will try to go camping in Shenandoa for Columbus Day weekend and make huge bonfires in the woods. In a side note, St. Brendan of Ireland was the first to discover America around 650 AD. Thats even before Leaf Erricksson, the Viking explorer dude. Television highlights include Fringe and Supernatural, they are freakin awesome. SPOILER ALERT: Dean gets brought out of hell by an angel to try and stop Lilith again. Um, the job search isn't going well so far, as Ihaven'y had any responses from the applications that I put in. So, lol, the save poor college students foundation will be accepting donations while the job searches continue. Man, I crack myself up sometimes. Well, I might post again later on tonight, it depends on if I remember to or not.


Himitsu said...

don't feel bad kiddo. I havent posted since august. So guess what? I fail at life more then you! MUHAHAhAHAHA! Another thing, I already know why dean was brought back. Dont need to tell me. Btw, i post go read.

Bob & Muffintop said...

Dude- how were the tests? You seem to have quite the tv schedule going there. Anyhow- the camping is a go, but for the place around the corner 'cuz nowhere else had space available. Or something like that. Send the popster a txt & ask him.