Quote of the Week

I feel the need, the need for speed!!!!

-Maverick, the movie "Top Gun"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ok, I know I havent posted in a while.

Hey, sorry for the long delay. The life of a college student is extremely busy (dont listen to them, it is trust me). Well, my favorite band lost prophets has finally announced that they will have a new cd that is expected to be released sometime in august or september. Now, this is not confirmed officially, but supposedly the title will be "Gray Whales". Hmmm, I wonder what the symbolism will be behind this title. According to rumors all they have left to do is transitions and album work. Um, Im working this summer at a place relatively close to where I go to school. It is definately weird being completely away from the rents. Its not that I dont miss them but Ive kinda wanted to test the waters on my own. At this point i really dont know seems how it has only been a few weeks. The one thing that hasnt changed is the constant making just enough money to get by (ie gas, a few bills). Id play the lottery except that I know that I wont win. Ummmmmm, what else can I ramble about. The get a better car thing prolly wont happen at the end of this summer due to the whole shortage of money thingy problem. Now, I have chosen to critique a comment left to me about a previous post (this person will know what Im talking about). The answer is a definative no. Nor would I ever buy one (or you buy me one). Ok, Ive just suddenly ran out of things to tralk about. Now, just like the lottery, tune in to this blog in hopes that ull win another post from me. Im out

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