Quote of the Week

I feel the need, the need for speed!!!!

-Maverick, the movie "Top Gun"

Friday, August 29, 2008

Apologize'n for the delay

Yea, its been a while and once again Ive failed at my promise to post everyday. Well, everyone can sue me because Ive started college classes. I have classes four days a week from mid morning to mid afternoon. They are going well so far and LOTS of studying, even at the end of the first full week. In general chemistry, the thing that I'm studying is naming polyatomic ions and basic acids. In American history, we just finished Christopher Columbus. Um, nutrition class we just finished the basic stuff. Lipids are also known as fats. Vitamins and minerals don't give you energy and they are essential. I seriously hope that the cool stuff comes up soon, not that all of it is not interesting anyhow. My music class is pretty interesting now that its not at 8am. Hey everyone, guess what started last night??? COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!!!!!! At first, I was watching the NC State - U. South Carolina game. It was good up until the second half, as S.C. started to turn NC into miracle whip. SOOOO, up one channel to the Stanford - Oregon State game. Fricken awesome, except for that I fell asleep during the third quarter (I think). None the less, for the portion that I saw, very good game. Since college football has started, I will be posting a College football special everytime I have watched a game (with much more detailed accounts for sure). Look at my blog later on tonight for some special reviews (that means you text queen).

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

IDK, Can you imagine that I have a better title?

Well, it turns out that there was an armed robbery of a united bank down the street from my house. The 2 teens tried to get away on a motor scooter and went down Route 1 where they were stopped in a school parking lot (Im assuming Freedom High). They were caught. Some people are soooo stupid. Oddly enough, Ive seen a motor scooter that looked very similar one day while I was waiting for the bus one day, hmmmmm. Anyway, I cant wait until the olympics start at 8pm tonight. That Micheal Phelps guy is supposed to be competing for two more gold medals tonight. Ok, now I love the United States and all of its glory but can somebody other than the US and China win medals? I mean come on now, give us something interesting. But since thats never going to happen, I hope that the US beats china in every competition cuz the Chinese get so much bias preference in competition. Im going to stop this topic now since I know that Im going to get some colorful comments from my family. Tonight Im gonna have one of my favorite dinners, STOUFFER'S MAC AND CHEESE!!!!!! I think you might be able to tell I cant wait for dinner. Um, that's all of the random thoughts that I have for now so stay tuned. Same bat time, same bat channel lol.

First Post

Nothing much happening today, I'm just hanging out. My last day at work was Sunday seems how I'm going back to school. That is, I'm a sophmore at College of William and Mary. I start next week and going back to class is definately much better than working at McDonald's, although the experience is definately a motivation for going to college. Every once in a while, I will publish reviews about almost anything including anime, rock bands, and movies. Ill post later on today.